Posted on 17/7/18 in Events

Welcome Back to the Wykamol Waterproofing Design Expert

Wykamol continue to provide the best waterproofing technical support in the industry, as they welcome Waterproofing Expert, Reg MacDonald, back into the fold, as National Waterproofing Manager.

Reg Website Image

Reg worked for the Wykamol Group for 8 years, before taking some time to design specifications for Site Sealants Specialist Waterproofing Contractors for 18 months, during which time he was involved in a number of high profile waterproofing projects.

However, Reg felt that, as a waterproofing enthusiast, he could not pass on the opportunity to once again work for the one of the only manufacturers willing to accurately and competently design basement waterproofing specifications for their customers, especially as we expand our range to include Type A waterproofing Systems, such as the newly launched Quadproof Gas and Waterproofing Membrane.

Reg came to Wykamol after working for John Newton Waterproofing for 10 
years, already having achieved a Bachelor of Science Degree in Merchant Marine Engineering, with a focus on the architecture and surveying of ships. He later qualified as a Building Surveyor and is a Certificated Surveyor in Structural Waterproofing and Remedial Treatments.

Architect And Drawings Wykamol Web Size

Wykamol continue to be one of the only manufacturers who will competently design, advise and supply structural waterproofing projects, at every stage, and Reg will provide the expert technical support that Wykamol are now renowned for.

For basement design services contact Reg:
